Have I mentioned yet how much I loveee food? Seriously, food gives me life. That also happens to be literal. And veggies.. all types of veggies.. they’re like my kryptonite. I sneak them into just about every meal I prepare. They’re just so good for you!
Oh, and I’ve lost fifty pounds since 2011 and have kept it off.
I’ll be honest, I made a total lifestyle change. It didn’t happen overnight. After some life-changing events, it was time to reflect on my life as a whole.
People kept asking me what I was doing differently, and I shared with them my magic word: Substitutions.
I started off substituting in all the wrong ways. I’ve tried fad diets, working out every single day, and eating pre-made snacks and meals from companies that claimed to be healthy – none of which made me feel good. I finally figured out that I was ignoring the key to what actually aids in weight gain: ingredients. Once I started researching, I couldn’t stop.
This actually became quite the blessing. Aromas of wholesome, healthier versions of my favorite meals began filling my kitchen.
Cooking from scratch evolved into making smarter decisions with not only what I was putting in my body, but also what I was putting on my body and around my home.
I researched the heck out of the best ways to take care of myself- my mind, body and soul. Over the years, I’ve made mistakes (still make them!), learned from them (still learning from them!), and have had the opportunity to share that information with people in my life.

Photo by: Sundeep Singh
I realized that if people in my direct circle were able to make positive changes, then others may benefit as well – hence my blogging endeavor!
Here’s probably one of the biggest things I’ve learned: weight loss isn’t the ultimate goal, being healthy and feeling good are.
Also, one lifestyle does not fit all. I do not claim to know everything, and I never want to stop learning. I only know what has worked for me and others I’ve shared with. You’ll probably find me chatting it up with people from all walks of life and perusing bookstores, libraries and the internet for more information on how to better myself and help others.
I’m Naturally Rosy, and I hope you’ll find some insight through this blog to make positive changes in your life – or at least learn to make some naturally healthy and simple (and yummy!) food.
Here you’ll find whole-food based recipes, remedies, tips, and helpful information to help you live a naturally happy life, too.
I think the best way to be happy is to help make others happy. You feel good, I feel good, we all feel good and then we can share some virtual high-fives!
I’d love to hear from you! I’m here to share and learn and I respond to every message I get, so get in touch!
Happy Reading!
Dedicated to my dad- the wisest man I’ve ever met. He always encouraged the notion of sharing what you know to help others and to be open to learning new things. My first teacher of the importance of all things natural and the importance of nourishing our mind, body, and soul. Our spiritual connection and the positivity and faith he instilled in me are a huge part of what got me through his passing. The impact his pure heart left on this world is immeasurable. I’m so grateful to pass on what I’ve learned from him and what he encouraged me to learn on my own. Here’s to my first mentor, taste-tester, and biggest supporter in life.