I’ve compiled a list of my favorite items that I always have readily available in my kitchen because they boast the most health benefits!
Since I rarely eat out and prefer making my own food to pre-packaged, I have a pretty comprehensive list of what I always have on hand. These are great if you’re like me and are anemic, have low vitamin D, or simply enjoy eating well!
Organic Herbs and Spices:
I buy these in their dried forms and fresh when seasonally available. They all contain vital vitamins and minerals for optimal health.
If you are buying these in their dried forms, be sure to choose from brands that do not include any additives.
Himalayan Pink Salt
Black Pepper
Organic Nuts and Seeds:
Again- make sure to check labels. I don’t buy anything that has added salt or sweeteners.
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Brazil nuts
Chia Seeds
Hemp Seeds
Flax Seeds
Organic, raw, unfiltered honey
Organic, Pure Maple Syrup
Organic Dates
Organic Dark Chocolate (80% cacao/cocoa and up)
Healthy Fats:
Make sure all of your fats are certified organic
Extra Virgin/ Virgin Coconut oil:
Refined coconut oil is better for cooking at higher temperatures whereas unrefined coconut oil is made from raw coconut meat and will have more of a coconut flavor. Quick tip: add a bit of salt to unrefined coconut oil when cooking and it will take some of the coconut flavor away for the pickier eaters. There are also tons of external benefits to unrefined coconut oil.
Olive Oil (I do not trust olive oil unless it’s in glass and includes a harvesting date)
I use extra-virgin olive oil, but not for cooking at high temperatures. Its benefits are best retained at low temperatures, but especially in its raw state when making dressings, sauces, and topping salads.
Butter from Grass-fed cows
Grassfed Ghee: also known as Clarified Butter
❤ Naturally Rosy
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